Superbombing News!
Hooray, hooray! It’s finally happening!
The most anticipated game of this spring – Super Bomberman 2 Remix from ZX Evolution team is finally out! You can already download it and try it in real ZX Spectrum classic as well as in online emulator.
Many people are scared of ZX Evolution team’s name, because it sounds like a name of a little-known compatible platform. The authors themselves say that it is a long running joke, but it’s not a joke any more, because the team makes games not only for TS Conf, but also for classic ZX Spectrum (for example, Super Bomberman 2 is fully compatible with ZX Spectrum 128 and can even be loaded from a cassette), and soon they plan to start making games for ZX Spectrum Next as well. Sounds like an…. evolution, right?
What’s the game about? It’s partly a clone of original NES game, but with addition of new interesting features, monsters and story. The game was made by the well-known for you musician n1k-o (he wrote music for all Sanchez Crew games) and the artist Joe Vondayl (whose style you can simple detect by the busty girls). Yep, the poster for Delta’s Shadow is also his handiwork 🙂
The game is addictive and interesting, you should only pass the first level – then you can not come off, try it yourself. Each game world has its own musical theme, the difficulty of the game gradually increases with each level – there are new monsters and new rewards, and at the end of the super-boss, you just can’t pass it at once.
If you’re quick to pass the game and find it very easy, turn on HARD, and I assure you, passing the game will cease to be an easy walk. But if you manage that too – call a friend or the kids and turn on HARD mode. See which one of you is more nimble and cunning!
Feedback and Rating System

The second big news today – we finally launched feedback and ratings system. What is it for? We have noticed that the authors need feedback on their games in order to understand what was done well and what should be considered in the next projects. Also feedback would help new users understand if the game is worth the money and attention.
That’s why we ask everyone who buys the game to leave their opinion in the form of three evaluations of the most important qualities of the game (graphics, music and gameplay). You’re also invited to write a post and note a few of the game’s most outstanding qualities in your opinion (humour, animation, story, etc.).
To avoid cheating and any inaccurate reviews, we allow only those users who bought the paid version of the game or who donated at least the minimum amount when purchasing the free game to leave a review. This ensures the fairness and adequacy of the reviews, which is extremely important.
At the end of the month we will hold a poll to choose the best ones and give out bonuses to those users. So don’t hesitate to leave feedback – it’s an interesting interaction.
By the way, Super Bomberman 2 Remix already includes reviews.
So, that’s it for today. If you feel like writing something on the new reviews and ratings functionality – please use the comments below this post.
Thanks for getting to the end, have a great weekend!