Predefined Keys

Red Raid: The Sinking... title screen

Red Raid: The Sinking…

Story Something went wrong. Redrick waking up in the darkness on the submarine. What happened? What should we do? Well, this you must find out and escape from the sinking submarine. Get ready for everything! How to Play To start the game, enter the command LOAD "", press "ENTER", insert the cassette with...

Red Raid: The beginning title screen

Red Raid: The Beginning…

Story You have been accepted into the mercenary guild. As your first mission, you are tasked with raiding the enemy base. You have the additional stimul. Enemies have stolen your bunny! The task will be difficult and will acquire from you not only reaction, but also thinkng. How to Play To start the game,...

KISH ZX Kamnem po golove title

Korol i Shut – Kamnem po Golove

About Project This project is a cover album of the famous band "Король и Шут - Камнем по голове" ("King and Jester - A Rock on the Head"). The album includes all the songs of the band's first numbered album (21 pcs.), and also illustrations of the subjects of the...

Nothing game title screen


The Game "Nothing" is a ZX Spectrum 128K port of the PC game created by JoelLikesPigs for the Ludum Dare 45 competition. "You start with nothing." The game takes the theme quite literally, by starting with no controls, no music, and no sound, and then rewarding your progress by gradually releasing various...

Castlevania title screen

Castlevania: Spectral Interlude

Castlevania: Spectral Interlude is an action-adventure platform game with elements of RPG. It merges well-known elements of classic games with some new ideas. It tells a new story that tries to remain consistent with the canon of the original franchise and explains why Belmonts disappeared for many years. Dracula's Castle...

Treasure Hunters ZX Spectrum main menu

Treasure Hunters

One day, Captain Clown Nose finds himself on a desert island, where he stumbles upon a tall palm tree. Under which, he discovers a huge treasure chest. Though sadly for him, he also discovers that the chest is sealed tight with a huge lock. Trying in vain to open the...

Zedex Tanks title screen

Zedex Tanks

Disclamer: This game is created as a fanfic and has no relation to the original game or its developer. We claim no rights to the original game and do not infringe on the copyrights of the original game or its creators. History By the end of the third decade of the...

Street Fighter 2 title screen

Street Fighter 2

Disclamer: This game is created as a fanfic and has no relation to the original game or its developer. We claim no rights to the original game and do not infringe on the copyrights of the original game or its creators. About the Game Street Fighter 2 is a port of...

Mighty Final Fight remake

Mighty Final Fight

About the Game The action takes place in the fictional city of Metro City, which for years has had a reputation as a crime capital. Jessica, daughter of Mayor Mike Haggar, is kidnapped by the Mad Gear gang. Haggar, a former professional wrestler, decides to rescue his daughter from captivity...